
A blog compiler.


Clone the Git repository or grab the latest release's source tarball and extract it.


Building blogc requires:

  • CMake
  • Ninja (optional, but recommended)
  • ronn-ng (if configured with BUILD_MANPAGES=ON)
  • cmocka (if configured with BUILD_TESTING=ON)
  • bash, diff and tee (if configured with BUILD_TESTING=ON)
  • git, make and tar (if configured with BUILD_TESTING=ON and BUILD_BLOGC_GIT_RECEIVER=ON)

Running the blogc-git-receiver tool requires:

  • git, make and tar

Building and installing

Inside the source directory, run the following commands:

$ mkdir build
$ cmake \
      -B build \
      -S . \
      -G Ninja \
$ cmake \
      --build build \
      --config Release
# cmake \
      --build build \
      --config Release \
      --target install

To create your first blog, please clone our example repository and adapt it to your needs:

$ git clone my-blog
$ cd my-blog
$ rm -rf .git
$ git init
$ git commit -am 'initial commit'

At this point you'll have an empty blog, that can be customized to suit your needs. You'll want to look at the content/post/ directory and edit your first post. Each new post, template or asset must be added to the Makefile. Please read it carefully.

If some unexpected error happened, please file an issue.

-- Rafael G. Martins